Difference Between Shortwave Vs Longwave Radios

Robert smith
5 min readMay 14, 2021


Before we start talking about the difference between the shortwave and the longwave radios we first need to know what they are and how do they work. Basically, in this article, you will find out everything that you need to know about shortwave and longwave radios, and, which one is better!

In our previous articles, we have discussed some of the best shortwave and long wave radio models. This time we will get a little deeper below the surface and discover whether shortwave radios are better than long wave ones or is it vice versa.

So without any further ado let’s start right away. We will first bring shortwave and long wave radios a little bit closer to you and see their main differences.

What is the difference between shortwave and longwave radio?

1. What’s shortwave and longwave radio?

A shortwave radio is essentially a radio that is able to transmit shortwave radio frequencies. The shortwave radio frequency band does not have an exact definition. Mainly, shortwave frequencies are frequencies between 3 to 30 MHz.

These kinds of radio signals are able to reflect on the water and bounce off certain surfaces. They are mainly used for distanced communications. Generally speaking, shortwave radios can catch shortwave radio signals from all around the world. read more about shortwave radio

Longwave radios are radios that are able to catch long wave radio signals. These types of radio signals are able to travel a very long distance. During the travel, these types of signals consume and use much power. On top of everything, they have a frequency range of 1.5–30 MHz.

2. The quality of the sound

Of course that these two will have different sound qualities — they are totally different devices! Since the signals that they receive are different, so is the sound quality. We cannot say which one is better since it’s all a matter of taste. But, if we think about it, long wave radios are radios that receive signals directly from the transmitter. We have mentioned earlier that they also consume a little more power than the shortwave radios while the reception is occurring. Since some of the transmitters that are creating longwave signals do not pick the best weak signals, long-wave radios can sometimes pick up that poor signal and end up producing a bad quality sound.

On the other hand, shortwave radios are the ones that do not depend on the closeness of the transmission source. Since they can bounce off of certain surfaces, they are able to remain just as strong while traveling at bigger distances.

3. The frequency differences

If you have ever learned physics in your life, you should know that if a frequency is very high, the length of the signal is short, and in reverse. Longwave radios, as we have mentioned earlier, can catch signals between the 1.5–30 MHz, or 30 kHz and 279 kHz. With that being said, these radios are able to generally catch signals that are over the 1500 meters.

Shortwave radio signals are usually in between 3–30 MHz which may seem as if they are not that different from the longwave signals. But, what you should remember is that these signals are able to travel greater distances since they can bounce off of surfaces and even travel through water! To sum this up, shortwave radio signals have the power to be heard on the other side of the world even if they are being produced by one simple transmitter.

4. The traveling of the signals

It’s known, and we have mentioned several times throughout this article that shortwave radio signals travel in a very specific way. Namely, their ability to travel through water, sky and even though the ground is very impressive! Basically speaking, they have no boundaries and can easily get from one place to another. That is why these radios were very popular throughout history.

On the other hand, long wave radios have greater frequencies. This means that they have a shorter range and the length of their signals. That is exactly why these signals can only travel from a point A to the point B. Usually, the broadcasting towers need to be near the receiver in order to have a better sound quality and a strong, uninterrupted reception.

5. Their usage

Long wave radios are definitely used more frequently than shortwave ones nowadays. We think that it’s because there are many long wave transmitters available at every step. On the other hand, shortwave radios were so popular in the 20 thcentury. To be precise, they were used for different purposes, mainly for war ones.

The good thing about both of these types of radios is that there are still communities from all around the world that adore them. During the first COVID 19 lockdown, at the beginning of the 2020, both of these radios actually gained their popularity. Since many people have been searching for new hobbies back then, the sales for both of these radios went up!

In conclusion

Our final verdict is that both of these radios have their benefits and their flaws. Longwave radios are perfect for people who want to have constant access to the longwave frequency bands since they happen more often. While, on the other hand, shortwave radios can tune into broadcasts that are scheduled for on a certain day and time, they can sometimes be frequent, and sometimes not.

We can say that the shortwave radios totally deserve more recognition due to their ability to catch signals from all around the world!

After we have presented you with the biggest differences between these two types of radios, we would like to let you decide on your own which one do you think is better. It’s all a matter of a subjective feeling! So, who in the shortwave VS longwave radio battle, who would win?


No, these two signals are not the same. AM signals, or Amplitude Modulation signals, are signals that are one of the oldest broadcasting signals. AM signals are related to medium wave ones, which means that they are not the same as long wave signals.

If you ever stumble upon an abbreviation LW, you should know that that stands for long wave radio signals. There is no other name for them.

Shortwave radios are good for over the sea communication since they can cover up greater distances and travel fast! These signals were commonly used during the Cold war and the WW2.

Originally published at https://radiopicker.com on May 14, 2021.



Robert smith
Robert smith

Written by Robert smith


The author is passionate about TV and radio technology and enjoys play games and sewing as a hobby.

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